1、安装Apache Batik CSS 一般安装VJET插件会出现
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found. Software being installed: VJET Java Based Dom Kit (Incubation) (org.eclipse.vjet.vsf.domkit.feature.group Missing requirement: Apache Batik CSS 1.7.0.v201011041433 (org.apache.batik.css 1.7.0.v201011041433) requires 'package org.w3c.dom.events [3.0.0,4.0.0)' but it could not be found
name:Apache Batik CSS
2、javascript编辑插件 -- VJET Name: VJET Location:http://download.eclipse.org/vjet/updates-0.10 包括的所有选择就可以。
支持的JS 提示:
Dojo 1.6 EcmaScript Ed. 5 api updates HTML Canvas 2D API jQuery 1.4 jQuery Mobile 1.0 Alpha 4.1 (Requires JQuery Type lib) JSON Node.js 0.4
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